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消 萧 硝 销 潇 小 效 校 笑的英文

"消 萧 硝 销 潇 小 效 校 笑"怎么读


  • xiao
  • "消"英文翻译    disappear; vanish
  • "萧"英文翻译    desolate; dreary
  • "硝"英文翻译    nitre; saltpetre
  • "销"英文翻译    melt cancel; annul
  • "潇"英文翻译    deep and clear
  • "小"英文翻译    small; little; petty; minor
  • "效"英文翻译    effect; efficiency; result
  • "校"英文翻译    school
  • "笑"英文翻译    smile; laugh
  • "硝" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词(硝石) nitre; saltpetre 墙硝 wall saltpetre; 炸硝 blasting saltpetreⅡ动词(用朴硝或硭硝加黄米面处理毛皮) taw
  • "潇" 英文翻译 :    形容词[书面语] (水深而清) (of water) deep and clear
  • "萧" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词(萧索; 萧条) desolate; drearyⅡ名词1.[书面语] (艾蒿) mugwort2.(姓氏) a surname 萧何 xiao he
  • "消" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(消失) disappear; vanish 红肿已消。 the swelling has gone down. 他的气消了。 he has cooled down. 云消雾散。the clouds dispersed and the fog lifted. 在真相面前谣言不得不消声匿迹。 the rumour had to disappear before facts.2.(使消失; 消除) eliminate; dispel; remove 消去一个未知数 eliminate an unknown quantity; 消痰 reduce phlegm; 消烟除尘 eliminate smoke and dust3.(度过; 消遣) pass the time in a leisurely way; while away (the time) 消夏 pass the summer in a leisurely way4.[方言] (需要, 前面常有“不、只、何”等) need; take 不消说 needless to say; it goes without saying; 来回只消一个星期。it takes only a week to get there and back
  • "校" 英文翻译 :    校名词1.(学校) school 返校 return to school; 高校 institutions of higher learning; colleges and universities; 夜校 night school2.(校官) field officer3.(姓氏) a surname 校桀 xiao jie
  • "效" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词(效果; 功用) effect; efficiency; result 肥效 fertilizer efficiency [effect]; 见效 produce an effect; prove effective; 疗效 curative effect; 这药无效。 the drug was of no effect.Ⅱ动词1.(仿效) imitate; follow the example of 上行下效。 those in subordinate positions will follow the example set by their superiors.2.(献出) devote (one's energy or life) to; render (a service)
  • "笑" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(露出愉快的表情, 发出欢喜的声音) smile; laugh 放声大笑 laugh heartily; 苦[狂; 狞; 傻] 笑 laugh wryly [boisterously; grimly; foolishly]; 微笑 smile; 笑岔了气 choked with laughter; 一笑了之 laugh out of court; 真笑死人 be terribly funny; 你笑什么? what are you smiling at? 谁笑在最后, 谁笑得最好。 he laughs best who laughs last. 她笑了笑表示感谢。 she smiled her thanks. 我们几乎笑死了。 we nearly died with laughing.2.(讥笑) ridicule; laugh at; deride 叫人笑掉大牙 ridiculous enough to make people laugh their heads off; 我们笑他异想天开。 we laughed at his fancy. 这次你可以笑我了。 you have the laugh on me this time
  • "销" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(熔化金属) melt (metal)2.(除去; 解除) cancel; annul 注销 write off; cancel3.(销售) sell; market:产销平衡 balance between production and marketing;畅[滞] 销 sell well [poorly]; 试销 place goods on trial sale4.(消费) expend; spend 开销 expenditure; 花销 cost; expense5.(插上销子) pin; insertⅡ名词1.(销子) pin 摆销 balance pin; 开尾销 cotter [split] pin; 螺栓销 bolt pin; 自锁销 self-lock pin2.(姓氏) a surname 销强 xiao qiang
  • "a小" 英文翻译 :    a minor
  • "小" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(体积、面积、数量、强度等不大) small; little; petty; minor 小姑娘 a little girl; 小河 stream; 小声交谈 talk low; 小问题 a minor question; 无限小 infinitesimally small; 风小些了。 the wind has dropped a little. 鞋小了点儿。 these shoes are a bit too tight. 这顶帽子我戴太小。 this hat is too small for me.2.(年纪小的; 年幼的) young 小弟弟 younger brother; 小儿子 the youngest son; 小狗 puppy; 小鸡 chick; chicken; 小猫 kitten; 小牛 calf; 一家老小 the whole family, old and young; 她比我小。 she is younger than i am.3.(谦辞, 称自己或与自己有关的人或事物) 小女 my daughter; 小婿 my son-in-lawⅡ名词1.(年级小的人) the young 妻小 wife and children; 上有老, 下有小。 there are old and young at home.2.(指妾) concubine 娶小 take [get] a concubineⅢ副词(短时间地) for a while; for a short time 小住 stay for a few days; 小坐 sit for a whileⅣ[前缀] (用于姓、名、排行等前) 小华 xiao hua; 小王 xiao wang; little wang
  • "小s" 英文翻译 :    xidi hsu
  • "消除,消" 英文翻译 :    erase
  • "笑, 大笑" 英文翻译 :    risus
  • "笑,嘲笑" 英文翻译 :    langh at
  • "笑,笑声" 英文翻译 :    laughter
  • "离 学 校" 英文翻译 :    northumbria uni
消 萧 硝 销 潇 小 效 校 笑的英文翻译,消 萧 硝 销 潇 小 效 校 笑英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译消 萧 硝 销 潇 小 效 校 笑,消 萧 硝 销 潇 小 效 校 笑的英文意思,消 蕭 硝 銷 瀟 小 效 校 笑的英文消 萧 硝 销 潇 小 效 校 笑 meaning in English消 蕭 硝 銷 瀟 小 效 校 笑的英文消 萧 硝 销 潇 小 效 校 笑怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。